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What Organizer Fees look like to Consumer
The video explains how organizer fees work, with the option to add fees to different ticket price ranges. The fee is shown as a separate line item in the ticket settings, and can be adjusted to any amount. The fee is also included in the overall payout to the venue.
0:01 All right, so this is how organizer fees work, so if we go into tickets We go to tickets and we go through our normal ticket build over in tickets, you'll see settings And now you can put your own fees on the different ticket price ranges So we got a $10 ticket in there and We'll set it to first just 0:28 set to zero to show you what that looks like For all So right now we can see there's a $2.68 fee on the $10.00. 0:50 Now if we go back into tickets and we adjust our fee to be $2.00. I think, okay. We'll now see that fee's a little bit larger. 1:16 Uhm, you can see it's not exactly $2.00 more because the transaction fee which is calculated on a percentage goes up about 4 cents here. 1:26 Uhm, but as you can see it just comes in in the fee line item. Uhm, it's not brought out as a separate line item in the fee, just, just a normal fee. 1:39 Uhm, so yep, super simple there and then in the payout that goes to the venue.The text explains how organizer fees work, with the option to add fees to different ticket price ranges. The fee is shown as a separate line item in the ticket settings, and can be adjusted to any ...
Opener Now Includes Calendar
There is an exciting new change to open day where signing up for inbound products also includes a calendar. The calendar allows users to view inbound submissions, add events, and see a month view. Clicking on a specific event on the calendar provides more details.
0:01 Hi everyone, I have an exciting new change to open day to show off. Basically when you sign up for our inbound products, which is our free products you also get the calendar as part of that. 0:16 This is what it will look like when you create your new account, uhm, you can click over to inbound and see all your inbound submissions. 0:24 Back to the calendar, add new events, and see your month view. And then once something's on your calendar, you can click into that. 0:33 Thanks. There is an exciting new change to open day where signing up for inbound products also includes a calendar. The calendar allows users to view inbound submissions, add events, and see a month view. ...
Event Publishing
Events List Embed Widget
Opendate has a new feature that allows venues to embed a widget code on their website, which will display their Opendate events. This code can be obtained by reaching out to Opendate and can be easily copied and pasted into the website's HTML.

Hey everyone we have a new feature from Opendate today basically if you are a venue that has a website and you're really happy with your website, like this example red website I have, have here Opendate can now provide you a widget code that you can basically just embed in your HTML and we can bring

your Opendate events directly into your webpage so in this case you would just reach out to us and we would provide you this code and you may need help from a web developer or maybe you have access to your page's code but basically you just copy and paste that code right in save it.

What do Add-ons look like to the Customer
This text provides an overview of how to set up an add-on in a ticketing system. It explains that after selecting a seat, the customer is prompted to add the add-on which is then included in the order summary. Upon payment, customers will receive two separate tickets, each with their own QR code.


0:01 Okay, so I'm going to show you how to set up an add-on in your tickets and what that looks like if you go into tickets, you can see here that we have our seating chart connected.
0:14 And then we added the add-on for parking. So what that looks like from a checkout flow. Uhm, after you select your seat, you're met with the go to add-ons and then you're hit to add parking here.
0:31 Uhm, so when you go to check in, check out your whole order summary. And it has that parking added there, we put zero dollars here.
0:40 Uhm, so it comes to zero total. Then when I make that order, uhm, I'm gonna get a e-mail with my tickets and the ticket for the seat and the add-on are two separate, uhm, tickets with two separate QR codes.
0:58 Uhm, so that's what add-ons look like.This text provides an overview of how to set up an add-on in a ticketing system. It explains that after selecting a seat, the customer is prompted to add the add-on which is then included in the or...

Calendar Management
Adjusting Dates on a Confirm
Instructions on how to adjust the date of a confirm event on a calendar. The user should go into the confirm, select show details, and change the event start and event end dates. Once the changes have been made, the calendar will reflect the new dates.


0:01 Alright, so the easiest way to switch the date on a confirm is to go into your confirm here. Go into show details right here.
0:12 You can see, you can change the event star Bye. We'll just change this to the 25th. We'll adjust all these as well.
0:23 And then event ends. We want this on the 26th set. Midnight. There we go. So then when we go back to our calendar, this has an AB and moved to 25th.
0:38 So again, clicking into here, changing. The date. Let's put on the 14th now. And. Back on the calendar. You can see it's moved to the 14th.
0:59 So that's the easiest way to adjust the date of the confirm.This text provides instructions on how to adjust the date of a confirm event on a calendar. The user should go into the confirm, select show details, and change the event start and event end dates....

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