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Deposits Tutorial
The video tutorial explains how to manage deposits within the Offers feature of Users are guided on accessing the Offers section, setting up deposits as flat amounts or percentages wit...
## Understanding Deposits in Offers 1. **Accessing the Offer Section** - Start from the event page. - Navigate to the offer section. - Locate the deposits section at the bottom. 2. **Setting Up Deposits** - Choose between a flat deposit or a percentage deposit. - Specify the due date for the deposit payment (e.g., 30 days before the event or a specific date). 3. **Tracking Deposits** - Once the deposit details are set, they will appear in the event section. - Internally track the payment status of deposits (e.g., Mark has paid). 4. **Conclusion** - Deposits can be managed efficiently within the system for better event organization and financial tracking. Link to Loom
Custom Email Text
The video demonstrates how to optimize confirmation email text in's ticketing system by customizing and editing the content at various levels: venue, event, and globally. It shows how t...
## Optimizing Confirmation Email Text in Ticketing System 1. **Accessing Settings for Ticketing** - Go to settings - Navigate to ticketing - Select the venue for customization 2. **Customizing Confirmation Email Text** - Locate the text field for confirmation email in settings - Input additional information about the venue, directions, etc. 3. **Event-Level Customization** - Edit tickets within a specific event - Access settings for that event - Adjust the text for the confirmation email 4. **Global Changes** - To change the text globally for all events - Go to settings, ticketing, confirmation page, and email 5. **Final Notes** - Customizing the confirmation email text can provide specific information to attendees - Different text can be set for each event or globally - Ensure to save changes after customization. Link to Loom
Opendate Micro Deposit Flow
The video provides a tutorial on connecting a bank account to to receive payouts. It explains the process of manually entering bank account information if the account does not work with...
0:00 Hi everyone. Today I'd like to show you how to connect your bank account to open date so that you can receive payouts. 0:08 Uh, previously we have supported plaid, um, which is launched by clicking this add account button. This is really nice because it instantly verifies the account, and this connects to most, uh, banks. 0:25 So if you have a case where maybe you have a smaller bank that you're working with and it doesn't work with a plaid, that's ok. 0:32 That's what this new flow is for. Um, so you launch- you launch this flow with the enter bank account manually link. 0:41 So I'll click on that. And then here's the information that we need. You can give this account a nickname- I'll just call this the tests bank account. 0:51 Um, and then you'll need your routing number and account number. You can find that on one of your checks. Um, for this- uh, um, I'm going to just use a test routing number provided by our, uhm, payment processing partner. 1:09 And then I'm just gonna enter a fake account number. Obviously, um, you would want to use your real routing number and account number. 1:16 And then- and then just specify what kind of account this is. In this case, I'll just leave it as checking. 1:23 And then we'll click add account. So when you do this, um, this is now a bank account that is pending verification. 1:30 Um, uh, and what that means is that, uh, we don't yet, uh, we are not yet able to send funds. 1:41 Excuse me. We are not yet able to send funds to this bank account. Um, because we haven't verified it. So, for example, there could have been a copy and paste error or maybe if you're copying from your check, you typed a number and wrong. 1:57 And the way that we verify that is we send two months back. . And then deposits to your bank account. And when you look at your bank statements, you'll see those two micro deposits. 2:08 Those should be deposited within two to three days after you add this account information. Um, and during that time, this is what it'll look like. 2:18 So, let's say that, um, time has passed and, and those deposits have been made. I'm going to, uh, hit a few things off screen here. 2:33 Um, so you'll receive an email that looks something like this. It'll, it'll tell you that the micro deposits have been, have been made. 2:41 Uh, so at this point, you're going to want to bring up your bank account and just look through the transactions. 2:47 And then we'll gun verify bank. Uh, and now there's a link here to verify the amount. So, once you have your bank open, you've, you've seen the two, uh, micro deposits. 3:00 it. it's you click on this link. And then, um, and then you'll just enter the amounts that you see in your statement. 3:07 So, we'll say seven cents. And we'll say four cents. And click verify. So, live demo. Um, so let me fix one thing here. 3:26 Okay. Okay. So, uh, what I should have done before the demo is initialize those, um, amounts, which I didn't do that, that would happen automatically on production. 3:48 In my development environment, it doesn't. So let me, let me try this again. I'll click verify amounts. Um, just for testing these amounts don't actually matter. 3:58 Um, obviously for when you, when you do. Do this with your real bank account, it does matter. Um, but for our purposes, we can enter any amount and we'll click verify. 4:09 Uh, and then, and then now the bank account is verified and we can use this to receive payments from open date.
Understanding Announce vs Onsale
The video demonstrates how to use the new Indicator Feature in for managing show announcements and ticket details efficiently. It covers: - Distinguishing between show announcement and ...

Understanding the New Indicator Feature in Show Announcements

  1. Introduction to the New Indicator
    • Show announcement indicator vs. on sale indicator
    • Purpose of the new feature explained
  2. Creating Tickets and Setting Show Details
    • Accessing the Create Tickets section
    • Setting up General Admission tickets with a specific date and time
    • Transition from Announce state to onSale state
  3. Connecting Tickets to Show Details
    • Importance of connecting ticket times to show details
    • Adding an activity for Day of Show Tickets on Sale
    • Setting up advanced tickets based on show details
  4. Understanding the Red Indicator
    • Clarification that the red indicator doesn't signify trouble
    • Notification for setting a time for public on sale without connected tickets
    • Adding day of show tickets and connecting them to show details
  5. Utilizing the Feature for Efficiency
    • Updating ticket start times based on show details
    • Demonstrating how changing event dates automatically updates ticket details
    • Saving time by avoiding manual editing of individual ticket dates
  6. Conclusion
    • Summary of how the new feature streamlines ticket management
    • Encouragement to utilize the feature for easier ticket monitoring and adjustments

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Building Show Tickets 🎟️
This video guides viewers on creating tickets for a show using It covers setting venue capacity, adjusting it for each event, and establishing default numbers. It demonstrates setting ...
Hey there! In this video, I guide you through creating tickets for a show. We set the venue capacity, adjust it for each event, and establish default numbers. I demonstrate setting capacities for different ticket types and explain how it prevents overselling. No action requested.
Setting Up Bank Account for Payouts Tutorial
The video tutorial focuses on simplifying the bank account connection process on It covers accessing the finance section, filling out profile requirements, adding a bank account, conne...
## Simplifying Bank Account Connection Process 1. **Accessing the Finance Section** - Navigate to the finance section where disputes or payouts are usually managed. - Look for the new settings tab that has been added. 2. **Filling Out Profile Requirements** - Upon clicking the settings tab, there will be requirements to fill out your profile. 3. **Adding Bank Account** - Click on the "add account" option. - A pop-up window will appear, similar to Plaid's interface. - Select your bank from the list provided (e.g., Chase). - Note that currently, only Chase is functional for verification. 4. **Connecting Bank Account** - If selecting a bank like Bank of America, you will be directed to log in to your bank account. - Follow the login process to connect your bank account for venue payouts. 5. **Benefits and Conclusion** - This new system aims to simplify the process of changing payout information in the future. - Streamlining the connection of bank accounts will make managing payouts easier for users. - Reach out if there are any questions regarding this new payment system. Link to Loom
Getting Started
Getting Started With The Marketing Suite
Getting started with Broadcasts, Segments and Campaigns.

Configuring Email Send Domain in Opendate
  • Configuring the email send domain in OpenDate is essential to ensure emails are sent from your domain.
  • Following these steps will help you set up and test the email configuration effectively.

Fans and Segments
  • Groups of fans based on certain conditions.
  • Types of segments: buyers, potential buyers, and wait list.

Broadcast Feature
  • Broadcasts are manual messages compared to automated campaigns.
  • Used for weekly newsletters, event alerts, or any manual messaging.

  • Automated marketing campaigns where you customize email templates.
  • Back end handles sending emails, data injection, and tracking.
  • Different campaigns for various use cases.
Setting At the door Organizer Fee Per Event
The video demonstrates how to use a new feature in OpenDate that allows users to change organizer fees for at-the-door sales on a per-event basis. Users can access this feature by going to the tick...
0:01 We have a new feature from OpenDate that I'd like to show you today, the ability to change your organizer fees for at-the-door sales on a per-event basis. 0:13 So, I have an example event here, and I'm going to click into the ticketing settings. In this case, this is not a published confirm, but you should be able to read your ticketing settings from this widget in either case. 0:30 From here, if you go to the tickets tab, and then go to settings, um, previously you would have this table here where it would show your ticket fee schedule. 0:41 This is just an example from this test account, but yours could be different just depending on your contract with OpenDate. 0:49 Um, so this is, this is nothing new. In the past, you've been able to come in here and see what uh, what your default is, and then if you want, you can change it. 1:00 So if I, If this is a, if this is a really um, popular artist that you know that is going to sell really well, you could come in here and change this to $4. 1:09 The part that's new here is that, um, previously you were not able to charge your organizer fee for at-the-door sales, and you are now able to do that. 1:20 So if I click into this dropdown, you can see we have two new scenarios here, at-the-door card and then add the door cash. 1:31 Let's say that you want to charge $2 per ticket, it's the exact same thing. So this would obviously impact card sales, and then if you want to add this to cash, you would just do the same thing here. 1:46 And that's basically it. So, um, just, just like your normal online fee schedule, Open Date is able to change your defaults. 1:56 If you, um, want a different default, just reach out to us and we can change that. And then, um, you're always able to go into an individual event and change it to whatever it needs to be.
Printing Instructions for Tickets 🎫
The video tutorial demonstrates how to simplify the printing process for tickets on using both the mobile app and desktop app. 1. Mobile App Printing: - Access the mobile app and na...

Setting Up your Boca Printer

Where to find the "Print" button

  1. Mobile App Printing
    • Access the mobile app and navigate to the check-in section.
    • Click on the desired option and locate the print button to print out a ticket.
    • Alternatively, through the sell option, go to register, make a transaction, and find the print option next to check-in to print the ticket.
  2. Desktop App Printing
    • In the desktop app, go to the ticketing dashboard.
    • Navigate to recent orders and click on the desired order.
    • Find the print tickets option to print the entire order or select individual tickets to print.

Printer Instructions

  1. Setting up the Router
    • Connect the provided VPN enabled router to the venue's internet access.
    • Plug in the power cable and the Ethernet cable to the WAN port of the router.
    • This creates a subnet that allows internet access to the router and the printer only.
  2. Preparing the Printer
    • Reset the printer to factory settings to ensure it's ready for use.
    • Plug in the printer and reset it by holding the test button while turning it on.
    • Ensure there are no errors displayed on the printer.
  3. Connecting the Printer to the Router
    • Plug the printer into the LAN port of the router using an Ethernet cable.
    • Power off and then power on the printer to establish the connection.
  4. Loading Ticket Stock
    • Insert the ticket stock behind the printer ensuring it's straight and not impeded.
    • Use the test button to print a test ticket to ensure the stock feeds correctly.
  5. Assigning a Specific IP Address
    • Note down the MAC address of the printer from the test ticket.
    • Contact OpenDate with the MAC address to configure the router to assign a specific IP to the printer.
    • Power cycle the printer to ensure the IP address is correctly assigned.
  6. Adjusting Subnet and Gateway (if needed)
    • Access the printer's operator menu by holding down the menu and test buttons.
    • Navigate to the Ethernet settings and choose DHCP/sub/gate to allow the router to set subnet and gateway.
    • Confirm the settings and save to ensure proper communication.
  7. Adjusting Special Head Width
    • Access the special head setting in the operator menu.
    • Choose the appropriate setting for the ticket stock width.
    • Save the setting and reboot the printer.
  8. Final Checks and Troubleshooting
    • Print a test ticket to ensure all settings are correct.
    • Ensure the IP address, subnet, and gateway match the provided values.
    • Adjust printer settings if necessary and contact OpenDate for assistance.
  9. Final Steps
    • Ensure the printer is placed securely to avoid interference.
    • Inform OpenDate once the setup is complete for final testing and activation.
    • Reach out to OpenDate for any further assistance or questions.

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Kill Seats with Ticketing Dashboard
The video tutorial demonstrates how to block off seats for an event using the Comps feature on It involves accessing the ticketing dashboard, adding attendees with complementary order ...

Guide to Blocking Off Seats on an Event Using Comps Feature

1. Access Ticketing Dashboard

  - Click on the arrow to enter the ticketing dashboard.

2. Add Attendees

  - Click on the "Add Attendees" button.
  - Set order types to complementary.

3. Select Seats

  - Choose the seats you want to block off on the seating chart.
  - Proceed to the next step.

4. Enter Information

  - Fill in the required information for each seat, such as email and phone number.
  - Note: If only blocking seats and not using for actual attendees, personal information can be used.

5. Confirmation Email

  - Decide whether to send a confirmation email for the blocked seats.
  - For using the feature for comps, confirmation emails can be sent.

6. Place Order

  - Complete the process by placing the order for the blocked seats.

7. Confirmation

  - Wait for a moment as the seats are marked as sold.
  - Check the public event page to see the blocked off seats under the tickets section.

8. Completion

  - The process is now complete, and the selected seats are successfully blocked off for the event.

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