Issuing Refunds and Cancelling an Event.
0:00 Alright, here is how you do a mass refund. If you go down to the ticketing dashboard um right here we will see an option for issue multiple refunds.
0:13 Now we only have one ticket purchase here. Kidding this button, we'll select all of them when we hit refund. Umm, we'll have the option to issue every fund for all these so if you have like 100 orders here you click that button.
0:28 I know select all 100. Umm, and you can issue refund. And then if you're trying to go ahead and cancel this event.
0:38 Because we find it everyone now you want to cancel, you go actions cancel event right here. And that's it. Umm, this won't send out like an automated email to everyone.
0:51 Umm. But. You can export all their emails right here. Export orders to your speed. They'll have all their emails in it.
1:00 Easy to upload and send off to them. Alright. Appreciate it.