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Manually Adjusting Tickets on Settlement

Manually Adjusting Tickets on Settlement

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June 11, 2024
0:00 Alright, here's how to manually add, um, tickets to your settlement. So, we've got our offer here, and the settlement's automatically populating. 0:10 Um, so we can go in here, we have our tickets line, if you don't have one you can do add item. 0:15 Um, but we'll go in here and we'll say, that there were 300 tickets sold for $10. So now our gross is going up and, um, this settlement is all populating from the offer. 0:32 Uh, looks like this was just a guarantee, so there's going $1,000 due to Fleet Foxes. Um, but if we go back in the event details, we should see, um, that we've sold 301 tickets, uh, because we, we increased that I believe. 0:55 Um, and so this is all now populating into, um, our P&L. So let me go back just to make sure this is correct, because, we've got tickets on here and on the settlement, uh, yeah, 301 tickets, and in the P&L, uh, 301 tickets. 1:20 301. Alrighty.