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Send a Comp Ticket

Send a Comp Ticket

Alex Jensen
Written by
Alex Jensen
April 14, 2024

0:00 um so this is how you send someone a cop ticket so um we're going into an event here in our calendar uh we'll go to one that's on sale and um um we're going to go to the tickets dashboard um and here we have this button to add attendees when you click that uh we have the option to select complimentary0:28 there's a couple different options here um and you can directly add someone to uh the show so this has a scene in charge so we just select the place that we're putting them right here um so we could even select a balcony seat about that um come down here hit next Thank you.0:48 I'm just the contact info um I'll just use mine here. Send a confirmation email that will send the ticket for them.1:02 And uh when I have place order here they will get a ticketing email sent to them. So it's as simple as that.1:11 Now this person is taking up a spot on your chart. You see them in orders and in their email they have a ticket email.1:20 Now with uh pps of their ticket. Alright, thank you.