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Offers v3 - Available, Comps, and Kills
The video introduces the new comps and kills feature in It explains how the budget section now includes separate sections for tickets and other income. Users can add tickets and other ...
0:00 Everyone, I wanted to take a moment to quickly walk you through our new available comps and kills feature and offers, um so I'm on this offer here and uh you can see that in the budget section we have a new section here for tickets. 0:16 This used to be just one section for just income but now it's split between tickets and other income. So if you want to add your tickets here and uh other income related items down here you can do that. 0:28 Additionally, uh to the tickets section we've added these columns available. We will use these fields to automatically calculate what syllable. 0:38 So if there are a 920 uh tickets available and 20 cups and 20 kills you'll see that it updates the cell. 0:49 I'm going to put this back to what it was. Um, another thing you might notice uh is that if you do have an income item here and for whatever reason you would like to make it a ticket instead you can click. 1:04 Click this and convert it to a ticket. I'm going to remove that. Okay so that's the uh the changes on the edit page. 1:17 Uh if we go to view. The actual offer. Just want this load. Uh you can see this page has been updated as well. 1:26 We have the ticket section as well as the other revenue section. There's nothing here right now so that's empty. Um you can see that we also have the available comps and kills columns. 1:36 And here as well. Um I believe that's all for the section. Uh if we go to settlement. Uh this has been updated as well for the ticket section and other revenue. 1:49 We do not have comps and kills. And, uh, uh this section. Uh because we will bring in comps, uh, end of it uh as a separate line item. 1:59 For instance for each, uh, ticket that sold a different price point. We'll have a row for that. So for instance if we had a general admission advance. 2:07 Thank you. Where some of the tickets were come to we'd see a line um for this where the price is zero. 2:13 Uh so instead of having comps and kills and in the flow up here. What we've done is we've put comps and kills in the summary. 2:23 Thank much. There's no way for us to calculate kills automatically right now, but we give you the option to edit this and track it manually if you need to. 2:33 So feel free to update either of these. We can override either of these values. Um, and just. Uh, as a quick note, let's take a note of the 660 here. 2:45 Um. If we look at profit or loss, we can see that that's all coming in correctly still. Um, there aren't any visual changes to profit and loss, but I did want to point this out because all of the state. 2:56 It flows together and so uh, it is related in a sense and there were changes made you just can't see because the changes were made underneath. 3:05 Anyway, uh, those are the new changes for phase one of offers V3. Let me know if you have any questions. 3:12 Thank you.
How to get your Opendate events on your Website. Linking off, Embeds, hybrids, etc.
The video teaches viewers how to integrate opendate events on their website. It covers embedding individual events using a widget, linking off to event pages, embedding all events into one area as...
0:00 In this video, I'm going to show you a couple of the ways that you can get your open date events on your website. 0:11 A lot of times when you're switching over from one ticket provider to another, uhm, you are going to be hit in a difficult position where you're trying to maybe link off or create a embed widget or whatever you're trying to do on your website. 0:28 And I'll show you a couple solutions that we can do here. So, the first is that if we umm say you wanted to just embed an individual event. 0:40 So, if we click into our event and we scroll down here to tickets and we hit this three dot button and then hit that and bed widget we can copy this code umm this is just going to copy uhh the umm the ticket widget so it's not going to have any of those details that you put in event details it'll just 1:01 be the umm the check out flow so we can select our item here we can select our add on and check out so this is for if you want to have build your event details and images and put those right on your website and just have umm the check out widget right there on the bottom umm and then another Thanks for 1:26 So in this case if we look at like this is what a normal open date umm checkout page looks like and in the case of the widget we're just embedding this part so all that stuff that you put in event details won't be there umm now if you wanted to just link off to a page like this then that will be found 1:47 , right here so this is the I got a broken image in here but this is that image and as you can see before we just have that um ticketing widget down at the bottom now um we have a few other options say you wanted to embed all of your events into one area so say you wanted something like this um this 2:12 has Bye guys. All the events of that venue as clickable buttons that will bring you into the open date pages um and this is an embed that you can paste right onto your um website I'll see every time you publish an event in an open date it'll just come right in here and these will click off into the other 2:36 event. Now again if you want to stay away from embedding and you just want to link off we do have the options like this where we can build a page that is on the open date domain but it'll just have your venues events here. 2:53 We click into it, it comes to the event page. Umm, in the embed section that I showed you before it's just this embed uh event side but we can customize these for you with just a few specific details of your social links and your background image as well as your logo. 3:13 And what we do is when we put this logo in here we can have it link back to your website so clicking that logo it should just take us back to bottle rackets website. 3:27 Yep, and how they do it as they just have an event spot in here takes you to open day. Click this, you can go back to bottle rocket. 3:35 Kind of seamlessly integrate. So if you want to avoid getting into embed codes you can do it that way. Now another issue that you might run into is you might be on a ticketing provider. 3:46 That is umm something like show slinger that already has these embed codes. And it's hard because how are you going to put a link off of open date and what are you going to decide to switch over because your entire page is just an embed code of another ticketing provider's umm events. 4:11 So we do have a solution for that. We can on our end take those links and have it said these buttons We'll link off to your past ticketing provider. 4:23 Umm that's a custom integration we do so in theory uh say this Taylor party was still a event that was being sold on you know some like event writer, show slinger, or e- tics. 4:37 Umm we can set it up on our end so instead of this linking off to an open date page it would just link off right to your old ticket providers umm ticketing page. 4:48 That way you know you don't have to wait for all the your events to play off umm in order to start putting on. 4:57 Umm so I hope this gives a little bit of an overview of-of how you'd want to set it up. Again we have the individual checkout widget. 5:07 We have the widget that allows you to embed all your events. Then we have the link call. We have options like this umm as well as the individual. 5:17 You'll event link offs like this umm and then if you have a hybrid of two ticketing providers umm we can make it so these buttons click off to click off your old ticketing provider so you can have a hybrid of two ticketing providers umm in your events widget. 5:41 Alright let me know if you have any questions and umm uh, what route you want to take for getting started on open day. 5:49 Thank you.
Managing an Event
Updating Note Templates
The video demonstrates how to update note templates in The process involves editing a note attached to an event, saving the changes, and observing the updated note template in other ev...
0:01 Alright, so here is uh, an event, we've selected our event template testing one. One, two, three, uhm, and it has these two notes attached to it. 0:16 If we go in here, we can hit edit, uhm, and we'll just do updated note. Save, and that, uh whoops, and this one's called test, we're going to say update template, note template updated, exit out. 0:38 Now, when we go into another event. Got a lot of things called test here, but uhm, and we select our note template, it's I'm gonna take a minute to show up. 0:52 We see that it's updated note instead of what it previously was. So that's how you update your note templates. Uhm, whether they be in the event template or not, it'll update. 1:08 alrighty, thank you.
Issuing Refunds and Cancelling an Event.
The video demonstrates how to process mass refunds in's ticketing dashboard. By selecting the option to issue multiple refunds, users can select all ticket purchases at once and issue r...
0:00 Alright, here is how you do a mass refund. If you go down to the ticketing dashboard um right here we will see an option for issue multiple refunds. 0:13 Now we only have one ticket purchase here. Kidding this button, we'll select all of them when we hit refund. Umm, we'll have the option to issue every fund for all these so if you have like 100 orders here you click that button. 0:28 I know select all 100. Umm, and you can issue refund. And then if you're trying to go ahead and cancel this event. 0:38 Because we find it everyone now you want to cancel, you go actions cancel event right here. And that's it. Umm, this won't send out like an automated email to everyone. 0:51 Umm. But. You can export all their emails right here. Export orders to your speed. They'll have all their emails in it. 1:00 Easy to upload and send off to them. Alright. Appreciate it.
Send a Comp Ticket

0:00 um so this is how you send someone a cop ticket so um we're going into an event here in our calendar uh we'll go to one that's on sale and um um we're going to go to the tickets dashboard um and here we have this button to add attendees when you click that uh we have the option to select complimentary0:28 there's a couple different options here um and you can directly add someone to uh the show so this has a scene in charge so we just select the place that we're putting them right here um so we could even select a balcony seat about that um come down here hit next Thank you.0:48 I'm just the contact info um I'll just use mine here. Send a confirmation email that will send the ticket for them.1:02 And uh when I have place order here they will get a ticketing email sent to them. So it's as simple as that.1:11 Now this person is taking up a spot on your chart. You see them in orders and in their email they have a ticket email.1:20 Now with uh pps of their ticket. Alright, thank you.

Creating an Event
Day Of Show Tickets and Advance Tickets. Different Pricing Tiers.

The following video shows you how to create Advance and DOS tickets.

Getting Started
Getting Started with the Opendate Organizer App
Discover the convenience of the Opendate Organizer app in our latest tutorial video! Whether you're using an Apple iPad or iPhone compatible with iOS 13 and above, we'll guide you through the setup and use of the Stripe Reader. For iPhone XS users and newer models with iOS 16+, learn how to use the innovative 'Tap to Pay' feature. Don't have a Stripe Reader yet? We'll show you how to reach out to Opendate Support for assistance. Get ready to streamline your payment process with the Opendate Organizer app!
Download the Opendate Organizer app here: Opendate Organizer App


1) Apple iPad or iPhone compatible with iOS 13 or above.

  • iOS 13 or above is required for the device to connect with the Stripe Reader

2) Stripe Reader - App integrates with an M2 Stripe Reader

  • If you have not yet received your stripe reader please reach out to Opendate Support

Additional requirements to use the built in "Tap to Pay" on iPhone.

  • Requires iPhone XS and up with iOS 16+ installed. No iPads, just iPhones.

If you ever need any help don't hesitate to reach out or ... Schedule a Call Here.

Logging In:

Connecting the Stripe Reader to your Device:


  • Make sure the Stripe Reader is thoroughly charged before turning on. This can take up to an hour for the Reader to become fully charged.
  • Check that there are no other bluetooth devices currently connected to your iPad or iPhone. This can cause a connection error.

Apple Built in Tap to Pay:

  • Requires iPhone XS and up with iOS 16+ installed. No iPads, just iPhones.

Checking in Customers:

Taking Transactions:

In Summary

We suggest new customers run tests before their first event.

Connecting bluetooth devices to an iOS device sounds easy but there can often be unexpected issues with hardware.

To schedule a meeting to run a test event select time here:

Venue Websites
Adding a Externally Ticketed Event to your Opendate Venue Website
How to add an externally ticketed event to your Opendate venue website. Watch this video to learn how to seamlessly integrate externally ticketed events into your Opendate venue website.

0:01 Hey, it's Joel with Opendate and today I'm going to show you how you can add an externally tick it at event to your Opendate venue website.

0:12 I'm currently logged into my venue website here and I'm going to go ahead and click on the collections tab at the bottom.

0:16 I'm going to click on events. In your Opendate website, it may be listed as shows or concerts. You can see here all of the events that have automatically synced over from Opendate.

0:27 I'm going to go ahead and create a manual event. So I'm going to click new event. And then I'm going start to enter the info for my event.

0:35 This is The Black Keys. There are a lot of custom fields down here. We're going to use several of these but we don't need to use all of them.

0:44 When they sync automatically from Opendate, most of these get filled in. For the manual event, we just need to enter a few key fields.

0:51 The first being public, we need to set this to true with a capital T. That will allow the event to show up on your website.

1:00 We need to set the published date. If you want this to show up instantly, you can set that time to now or any time in the past.

1:07 If you want to create the event now and have a show up at a later date, you can set that date and time.

1:12 I want to show up now so I'm just going to enter a time from yesterday. Ticketing provider: all Opendate events get listed as Opendate as the ticketing provider but I'm going to enter in the ticketing provider for this externally ticketed event.

1:28 For the purchase link, this is the link where your visitors to your website will be directed to purchase their tickets.

1:38 I'm going to enter that link here. And then I'm going to go ahead build out the rest of the event. So I'm going to set an event date.

1:43 We're going to say this event is on Friday at 8 p.m. I'm going to add an image for this event.

1:55 I'm going to specify door times as 7 p.m. on Friday and the show starts on Friday again at 8 p.m.

2:09 I can go ahead and enter any of the rest of this content. If I have a specific event presenter other than myself. I can enter the event content.

2:24 I can enter in our ticket price. I'm going say tickets are $35. And then that's all we need for this event.

2:33 So I'm going to go ahead and hit create. And you can see that now my event is here at staged for publish.

2:39 It's not live on the website yet. So we can go and check that and make sure everything looks good. I'm going to go ahead and publish this event and make it live on the website.

2:47 So I'm going to hit publish. And that's going to go ahead and publish. And then we can go ahead and take a look.

2:53 And you can see the event has been added to the home page of the site. I'm going ahead and click on tickets so I can take a look at how that event actually looks.

3:06 And you'll see now here we're at the event details page. All the info that I entered is there, details that I've entered are there.

3:15 Typically for an Opendate ticketed event you'll see the ticketing widget at the bottom. Since this is being ticketed externally.

3:23 Clicking the get tickets button is going to take the user out to that link that we that we provided. That's really all there is there is to it. I hope that was helpful and as always let us know if you have any questions.

3:36 Thanks.

Accept Donations in the Checkout
You can now accept donations in the checkout flow.

You can now accept donations in the checkout flow. The consumer has the ability to donate any amount desired. Optionally, they can elect to cover the cost of credit card processing to ensure the full amount of the donation is received.

Please note: This feature needs to be turned on by the Opendate team. Please reach out to us if you wish to take advantage of this new capability.


New Report: Fans by Location
You can now view fan location data by date and/or event to improve targeting by geography.

You can now view fan location data by date and/or event to improve targeting by geography.


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