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Google Sheets is failing you in offer management — here’s what to do instead

Let us help you take Offer Management to the next level. Opendate lets you build and send offers directly within our app AND track responses from each artist. Dive deeper to learn about the benefits this solution will offer you.
Written by
Joel Hubartt
Published on
June 5, 2024

Over 40% of venues, as asked through our National Survey, don’t fully believe that their process for managing offers is efficient. How can you manage offers efficiently without adding more stress to your work day? Nobody wants that.

What you need is a streamlined offer creation and management solution. That’s where Opendate comes in. Our Offer Management makes it simple to create offers and communicate with agents. Not only that, the entire offer management process is in a single tool.

Let us help you take Offer Management to the next level. Opendate lets you build and send offers directly within our app AND track responses from each artist. 

Dive deeper to learn about the benefits this solution will offer you:

Create and send offers from right within the app: Our goal is to make your job a little easier. Our app lets you send offers to agents while maintaining the status and communication pertaining to the contract in one space. 

Access your venue’s dedicated pipeline: Offers that have been sent, confirmed or talent bookmarked for follow-up can be viewed within the app. But the good news doesn’t stop there, because you can access and search all historical and upcoming offers in one go. 

We all know how frustrating it is reading endless email threads and searching folders and documents — no more! Everything is right where you need it without the hassle of trying to trace an email thread (we’ve all been there!).

We also provide Offer Templates to venues, allowing them to save time and accelerate booking.We’ll leave it in your capable hands to create your own offer templates to streamline the booking process.

Check out how you can customize templates to send off to agents:

  • Create: Up your template game by specifying all the properties of a deal an agent wants to see, most importantly, specific terms.
  • Customize: Tailor your offer templates to your needs with details on how the offer is structured through ticket sales and bonuses.
  • Forecast: Entice the agent by including estimated ticket sales. Add a layer of transparency by including line-item expenses, too. 
  • Book: The offer has been accepted…now what? The confirmed show will automatically populate on your Opendate Calendar. This will allow you and your team to continue to work alongside one another and enter in any new details to an event that comes up. 

Our Offer Management solution will have you forgetting about Google Sheets in no time! Say goodbye to time-consuming, manual processes and hello to a purpose-built solution for your venue management needs.

Save time and streamline your offers to focus more on connecting with agents and ensuring you get the best-of-the-best on stage. Learn more about Offer Management in our demo, or click here to learn more. 

Don’t forget to request a demo with Opendate today.

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Joel Hubartt
Co-Founder & Head of Design
Case Study
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